Firms with high management scores know that they’re savvy.Better managed firms are able to make much more accurate forecasts, both about macro GDP growth and their own micro sales growth.Management scores are higher in non-British multinational firms and those with more educated employees, and much lower in family-owned businesses, especially those that are run by family members.Better managed firms have: higher productivity, higher profitability, size, innovation, and a higher likelihood that they export their goods and services, which is a sign of fiscal health. Management practices are strongly associated with superior firm performance.Meanwhile, the 90th percentile are as well-managed as any leading international firm. The lowest 10th percentile of firms lack robust monitoring or feedback processes and have limited performance incentives or employee training. Management practices vary substantially across firms.

In assessing the management practices of the firms they studied, Van Reenen and his team discovered that: Top firms also accurately forecast macroeconomic outcomes such as gross domestic product, which boosts their ability to make wise choices about future hiring, investments, and materials. The findings further determined that management savvy doesn’t just result in better internal, or micro, business decisions. The researchers found that well-managed firms make more accurate sales forecasts, no matter what their size or age.

Thank you and God bless.In a working paper for the National Bureau of Economic Research, John Van Reenen, a digital fellow at the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy, shows that well-managed firms make better forecasts - and the traits of those well-managed companies might come as a surprise. Please join us in making history by subscribing to 42 Macro’s research and engaging with us on social media. Wall Street would be better served with achieving a legacy of faster-moving diversity initiatives that would be a service to all the outstanding minority and female investors in the industry they all need a chance to compete – just as Jackie did 74 years prior. Moreover, we endeavor to rewrite the current dialogue surrounding diversity and inclusion in corporate America by exemplifying the exceptional qualities of Jackie Robinson and proactively spearheading industry diversity initiatives to drive change. Inspired by Jackie Robinson’s courage and commitment to excellence, Darius and the team at 42 Macro seek to provide leadership in the investment industry through the daily discipline underpinning the organization’s advanced macro risk management framework and processes. He joined the firm upon graduating from Yale in 2009 and is a three-time recipient of the firm’s ‘Eye On’ trophy, awarded to the top-performing member of the research team in a given year (2010, 2011, 2018). At Hedgeye, Darius was the Sector Head of the Macro team and was a core contributor to the firm’s economic outlook and associated investment strategy views. Prior to founding 42 Macro, Darius was a Managing Director and Partner at Hedgeye Risk Management, a leading independent investment research firm based in Stamford, CT. Darius Dale is the Founder & CEO of 42 Macro, a startup investment research firm that aims to disrupt the financial services industry by democratizing institutional-grade macro risk management processes.